Results from 2016 State Convention

The South Carolina Green Party held a very successful State Convention on Saturday, April 30th, with 25 members from around the state in attendance.  Delegates and members heard from several candidates, including presidential candidates Jill Stein and Bill Kreml, and enjoyed getting to meet others and share stories about activities across the state.

The party will send eight delegates to the Green Party National Convention, to be held in Houston in August.  Five delegates will be pledged to Bill Kreml, and three delegates will be pledged to Jill Stein.

Five candidates were successfully nominated for other offices:  Thomas Dixon (U.S. Senate), Dimitri Cherny (U.S. House, District 1), Arik Bjorn (U.S. House, District 2), Prince Charles Mallory (U.S. House, District 6), and Scott West (S.C. Senate, District 20).

Four members were also elected to the State Steering Committee for 2016-2018.  Sue Edward, Dave Gillespie, and Scott West were re-elected, and Thom Taylor (who had previously served) was elected to another term.

Steering Committee Nominations Announced for State Green Party Convention

The South Carolina Green Party will hold its 2016 State Convention on Saturday, April 30th, in the banquet room of the Arabesque Restaurant, 2930 Devine Street, Columbia, SC 29205.  The convention will start at 12:00 p.m., and lunch will be available to purchase.  If needed, overnight accommodations ($50) are available at the Country Hearth Inn, 621 South Assembly Street, Columbia, SC 29201.

The main agenda items are the nomination of candidates for the 2016 elections, the election of Steering Committee members, and the planning of electoral strategy for 2016.  The four candidates for the Steering Committee are as follows:

David Gillespie:

I am a member of the SC Green Party and its Steering Committee, and would be happy to considered by my fellow SC Greens for reelection to the Steering Committee.  A political scientist, I retired in 2015 after a long college teaching career, most recently at The Citadel and the College of Charleston.  I have written two books on alternative parties, both published by the University of South Carolina Press.  They are Politics at the Periphery:  Third Parties in Two-Party America and Challengers to Duopoly:  Why Third Parties Matter in American Two-Party Politics.  I have served as a witness on behalf of third parties in many state and federal judicial cases and as an advocate for third parties in national print and electronic media.  I participate in activities of the Charleston/Low Country Green Party, for example marching in the Charleston Pride Parade and removing litter along the Green Party mile in the Adopt a Highway program.

Sue Edward:

I am Sue Edward, and I am seeking nomination to the South Carolina Green Party Steering Committee for 2016-18.  In 2008 I co-founded the Charleston Green Party and have served as either Chair or Co-Chair from 2008 – present.  I joined the South Carolina Green Party Steering Committee in 2009 and have served as Co-Chair since 2010.  I am a two-time Green Party candidate, running for State Senate in 2012 and State House in 2014.  I was a delegate to the National Presidential Nominating Convention in 2012 and have attended 2 additional Annual National Meetings in 2009 and 2011.

I fully embrace the Green Party’s Ten Key Values as these very closely reflect my own personal philosophy of humanism.  I am honored to be considered for nomination to the SCGP Steering Committee for another term and I thank you for your vote.

Scott West:

My name is Scott West.  I have been active in the Green Party since 2000, first in New York and since 2008 in South Carolina.  Since 2010, I have been a member of the Steering Committee of the South Carolina Green Party.  I believe that the future of this country depends upon progressive people working together from local offices and grassroots politics to establish a just and equitable society.  This year I have committed to running for State Senate District 20 in order to build a local Green organization in Columbia, South Carolina.  I would appreciate being returned to the Steering Committee as a sign of support for my campaign, but more importantly, I want your participation in the local Midlands organization.

I’m a native of Spartanburg, a graduate of Wando High School, the College of Charleston (History), the University of South Carolina (Library Science) and am currently employed in Richland County with a land surveying company.   You can reach me at

Thom Taylor:

I am applying to be nominated for the South Carolina Steering Committee.  I am interested in being placed on the ballot, and I am a current member of the South Carolina Green Party.  I do not occupy a leadership position in any other political party at this time.

My reasons for applying for this position are my various experiences within the Green Party, and my great desire to see the Party expand to become a mainstream political movement in the U.S.  In the past, I have been Chairman of the Charleston Green Party and currently serve as the Treasurer.  I previously served as a member of the Steering Committee from 2013-2015.  In addition, I belong to numerous social and political organizations and have represented the Party at events and demonstrations.  I believe both my past and present experiences make me a solid candidate to once again serve as a member of the Steering Committee.

Green Party State Convention, April 30th

The South Carolina Green Party is excited to announce its 2016 State Convention, to be held on Saturday, April 30th, in the banquet room of the Arabesque Restaurant, 2930 Devine Street, Columbia, SC 29205.  The convention will start at 12:00 p.m., and lunch will be available to purchase.  If needed, overnight accommodations ($50) are available at the Country Hearth Inn, 621 South Assembly Street, Columbia, SC 29201.

The main agenda items are the nomination of candidates for the 2016 elections, the election of Steering Committee members, and the planning of electoral strategy for 2016.

Nominations Open for Steering Committee

Nominations are now open for election to the Steering Committee of the South Carolina Green Party.  Nominations and confirmations (see below) must be received no later than April 16th (two weeks before the State Convention).  The terms of three Steering Committee members are expiring (Sue Edward, Scott West, and David Gillespie), and two other positions are  open, so up to five members will be elected.

Nominations may be emailed (to or mailed (to SCGP, P.O. Box 5341, Columbia, SC 29250).  In order to be eligible to be on the ballot, anyone nominated must certify by April 16th that they (a) are interested in being on the ballot, (b) are a member of the Party, and (c) do not occupy a leadership position in any other political party.  All nominees should also submit a brief personal statement for inclusion in the State Convention agenda packet.  After nominations are closed, the Steering Committee will provide a final list of nominees.

Attend our County Conventions, March 26th

If you live in one of the counties listed below, please join your fellow Green Party members at our County Convention.  The County Conventions are the first step toward our state convention, which is scheduled for April 30th (more details on that soon).  At the County Convention, party members will elect official delegates for the state convention.

If you live in Richland or Lexington Counties, your Conventions will be held on Saturday, March 26th, at 4:00 p.m., at 111 Southwood Drive, Columbia, SC 29205.

If you live in Charleston, Berkeley, Dorchester, Calhoun, or Orangeburg Counties, your Convention will be held on Saturday, March 26th, at 11:30 p.m., at the ILA Hall, 1142 Morrison Drive, Charleston, SC 29403.

Hope to see you then!