Rock Hill Herald: Labor Day has roots in unions

An appropriate and all-too-rare acknowledgment of the importance of labor unions was published today in the Rock Hill Herald:

Read and think on…if you are in a work place that could use a union, join one.  If there is a labor council in your area, get involved.

South Carolina American Federation of Labor:

SC AFL-CIO on Facebook:


When Marc McQuillen is not working at the General Motors’ plant on Westinghouse Boulevard in south Charlotte, you can often find him at his Rock Hill home growing roses, or cycling through downtown, or caring for his 91-year-old mother, Isabelle. He volunteers his free time to causes as diverse as the Second Harvest Food Bank and efforts to allow Sunday alcohol sales in York County.


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Tom Clements: No Nuclear Waste Storage In SC

Tom Clements of Friends of the Earth, and the SC Green Party’s 2010 nominee for U.S. Senate, is encouraging the public to let Governor Nikki Haley know where you stand on nuclear waste storage in the state of South Carolina.

It is possible that SC will become a repository for spent nuclear fuel rods. This is a recommendation of the President’s Blue Ribbon Commission on nuclear waste storage.

Right now, this old fuel is stored on site at the nuclear plants where it was used.  Many of these rods are stored in water, and are subject to exposure should the water level dropped – as happened at the Fukushima reactors in Japan in April 2011.

These waste rods could be stored in dry concretized containers on site.   But such are the dangers of the waste, that people around the country would rather see them exported to anyplace else that will take them.   South Carolina could be that place.

It is likely that any temporary storage of this waste will become permanent.    There is no permanent repository for the spent nuclear fuel.  Without a permanent plan for disposing of these rods, South Carolina will be made a dumping ground.

Tom covers the controversy completely in a recent opinion column printed in Columbia’s The State newspaper.

Take a moment to print this letter, and mail it to Governor Haley, or fax it to 803-734-5167.  Let her and your local officials know that South Carolina cannot be the nuclear waste dump of the nation.

Nikki Haley Letter Against Nuclear Waste Storage in SC.

Print and mail or fax this letter to SC Governor Nikki Haley. Email the text to Governor Haley via this link:

Read Tom’s guest editorial in The State after the jump:

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