Nominations set for November 2010

Under federal court order, the South Carolina Election Commission will permit ballot qualified parties to place nominees from other parties on their ballot line. The South Carolina Green Party may consider adding other party nominees to our ballot line later, but for now, the following are the South Carolina Green Party’s nominees for 2010!

Governor: Morgan Reeves
Attorney General: Leslie Minerd

Superintendent of Education: Doretha Bull

US Senate: Tom Clements

US House District 1 – Robert Dobbs

US House District 4 – C. Faye Walters

US House District 6 – Nammu Muhammad

SC House District 24 – D.C. Swinton

SC House District 74 – Christopher Jones

SC House District 115 – Eugene Platt

Each of these candidates needs and deserves our active support. Please write to volunteer or to donate to any of them.

SC Green Party Ballot Access Case before the Federal Court of Appeals

Eugene Platt

James Island Public Service Commissioner Eugene Platt

This morning in Richmond, Virginia, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), our country’s preeminent institutional guardian of Constitutional rights, argued the case of South Carolina Green Party (SCGP) v. South Carolina State Election Commission (SEC) in the Federal Court of Appeals (for the Fourth Circuit). For details click on this link:

Although a decision by the court may be weeks or months away, the SCGP remains optimistic. Furthermore, although I would not presume to speak for the ACLU, based on its unwavering commitment to the protection of Constitutional rights, I think the ACLU would, if necessary, be prepared to argue this case in the Supreme Court of the United States.

– Thanks to Eugene Platt for the update!

Various voting rights websites have been following this case. Ballot Access News offers this summary:

On May 11, the 4th circuit heard oral arguments in South Carolina Green Party v South Carolina Election Commission, 09-1915. The issue is whether the Green Party’s convention nomination of a legislative candidate, early in the election year, can be voided if that candidate then tries and fails to get another party’s nomination. The three judges were Barbara Keenan, an Obama appointee; Sam Wilson, a visiting U.S. District Court judge from Virginia and a Bush Sr. appointee; and Clyde Hamilton, another Bush Sr. appointee. Perhaps someone who attended the hearing may help us out and describe how the hearing went, via the comments section.

We will post the text of the court’s decision when it is released.

First hand observations of a state convention

This is from Daisy’s Dead Air by Greenville’s own

Daisy Deadhead

Daisy Deadhead

Daisy Deadhead

Morgan Bruce Reeves

Morgan Bruce Reeves

Dr. Morgan Bruce Reeves, South Carolina Green Party candidate for Governor! GO DOCTOR GO!

The South Carolina Green Party Convention was Saturday, May 1, at the Happy China restaurant in West Columbia. Yes, we all fit in one restaurant, with room to spare. (Hey, this is a certifiably RED STATE, so even that much is doing pretty good!) This was my first Green Party convention, and I was excited! I had a terrific time, but have been working at near-breakneck pace since, so I apologize for my obvious delay in coverage.

Indeed, it is something to consider: two of our candidates were working and could not be at the convention, and I ask you, when is the last time that happened at one of the MAJOR party conventions? (ha) We are a party of folks who work for a living, and I submit to you, it would be a far better government if politicians were genuine working people.


In a decidedly conservative state like this one, it was wonderful to meet so many progressives, working hard in their local areas and sharing their wisdom and experience. There was a lot lot of discussion about the oil spill off the Gulf, which is so upsetting to me that I can barely talk about it. Much discussion also, about the Green Party platform. (Not every candidate is in full agreement with the platform, which is also true for the major parties.)

In addition, I was thrilled to learn that South Carolina has TWO Green Party folks currently holding office:Eugene Platt

Eugene Platt

Eugene Platt

(at left, holding sign) of the James Island Public Service Commission, currently running for SC District 115, and Lee Jane Kaufman of Columbia’s Tree and Beautification Commission. I find it fascinating that Green Party candidates are routinely trusted (all over the USA) in these kinds of “small” political offices, reflecting the fact that local people really do care about conserving their local green spaces and protecting the environment they actually live in every day.

If this oil spill was in everyone’s backyard? The Green Party would be running the joint.

Fact is, it IS in our backyard, but for some reason, the majority of people don’t seem to view it that way. It is our task to make them see it the way we do.

As for me, I need to study some more, and have decided not to run for office myself until I am far more versed in the issues. (But yes, at some later date, this will happen.)

And I now present our other candidates:

Nammu Muhammad

Nammu Muhammad

Christopher Jones

Christopher Jones

Nammu Muhammad (who I could listen to all day) is running for US House District 6, in Columbia, where he already ran for mayor. Muhammad has been instrumental in saving the beleaguered Waverly neighborhood in Columbia, where the money-men and other evil gentrifiers have recently come calling.

And his son, Christopher Jones, a student at Midlands Tech, is running for SC District 74. Yes, Green Party political dynasties! If the Kennedys can do it, we can too.

Attorney General: Leslie Minerd, lifelong political activist and Columbia businesswoman… I have been to her store, Hip Wa Zee, and didn’t even know it was hers.

Superintendent of Education: Doretha Bull

US Senate: Tom Clements, who will never get elected unless he gets over his hostility to FACEBOOK! :P *Editor’s note…he did. :-)*

US House District 1: Robert Dobbs

SC House District 24: D. C. Swinton

C. Faye Walters

C. Faye Walters

At left: fabulous Faye accepts her party’s nomination.

Last, but certainly not least, fabulous Faye Faye Walters, running against Bob Inglis for the District 4 congressional seat, where I live. FAYE FAYE ALL THE WAY!!!! FAYE FAYE ALL THE WAY!!!!

I can’t remember how many times Faye has run for congress, but it’s a bunch. (She is my role-model regarding how I should behave when I finally muster up the nerve to put my name on a ballot!) Faye has that enviable Southern-Lady-ability to get all indignant and angry and yet remain gracious and polite; she never cusses! I must study her closely.


Elke Kennedy

Elke Kennedy

Also speaking at the convention was Elke Kennedy, whom I have written about here at DEAD AIR. I have also written several times about her her son, Sean Kennedy, the victim of local gay-bashers. HisHis murderer, Stephen Moller, served a grand total of 359 days. This is because we have no second-degree murder charge in SC, as well as no hate-crimes law. Stephen Moller was therefore charged with manslaughter. Moller left an incriminating, nasty, bragging phone call on Elke’s answering machine (right before the hospital contacted her, telling her that her son was in critical condition), which was inexplicably ruled inadmissible in court. The blood just boils.

A woman of quiet dignity and overflowing with genuine affection, Elke was simply a joy to meet, at long last. She has made the fight for a hate-crimes law in South Carolina, her own personal crusade. (Please visit Sean’s Last Wish for information on what you can do!) She speaks of how she has met warm, caring, sympathetic folks from all over the USA, who have reached out to her. I was so honored to be one of them!


Don’t forget: VOTE GREEN!!!! And if you are in SC, vote for our DOCTOR, who will HEAL OUR STATE! (Okay, you knew that was coming…)

All photos by me, from my Flickr page (yes…legally, I have to say that now)… And BTW, any Greens who didn’t attend the convention are welcome to friend me on Facebook!

State convention a huge success…now the real work begins!

The South Carolina Green Party held our nominating convention this past Saturday, as scheduled, at the Happy China Buffet. With a full agenda we were able to stay on track, and concluded our most successful convention to date with a bang. We honored Elke Kennedy and her husband Jim Parker for their work with Sean’s Last Wish Foundation, and also honored Rolf Baghdady for his service to some of South Carolina’s poorer citizens, and for his service as the Green Party’s attorney in our fight against Duke Energy of the Carolina’s rate hike request before the Public Service Commission. We raised money for the state party and for Sean’s Last Wish, and nominated our slate of candidates.

We also elected Eugene Platt, Larry Carter Center, Sue Edward and Scott West to full two year terms on the Steering Committee. Scott West and Larry Carter Center were also elected to represent the SCGP at the national convention scheduled for this summer in Detroit. The Steering Committee will elect officers and delegates to the national committee at the next committee meeting.

Each campaign needs help in the next few months. We are not a party with a lot of wealth, so each of us can make a big difference with a donation of time, skills or cash…or all three! From press officers to fund raisers to campaign managers to door knockers, our candidates need your support! To offer your help, please write and I’ll put you in touch with someone who needs your help right away.