Straight-Ticket Distorts Democracy In State Elections

How is it possible that former Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate Alvin Greene could go from 25+% of the vote in a statewide contest to 1% of the vote running in his own hometown?  Alvin Greene attained 28% of the vote for U.S. Senate in 2010, yet he obtained only 37 votes in the Democratic Party primary for SC House of Representatives District 64.

The answer is: there is no straight ticket vote in a primary election.

Analysis of the November 2010 election for U.S. Senate shows that 88% of Alvin Greene’s voters were straight-ticket Democratic votes. The 11.6% of Greene’s vote that did not choose the straight ticket likely chose him because he was the Democratic nominee – and not on account of his performance and policies.

Straight Ticket Votes US Senate SC 2010 - based on preliminary straight ticket votes from South Carolina Election Commission figures of November 3, 2010. For full results by county including straight ticket votes:

Greene’s vaporous campaign for the state house relied entirely on voter recognition from his Senate run.   As the AP story makes clear, in an election that required local campaigning, a non-campaign came up short:

“This is probably who you know and who knows you kind of thing. It’s a rural area where most people probably know personally who they are voting for,” said Cal Land, chairman of the Clarendon County Democratic Party.

And not a lot of people knew Greene. Out of the more than 20 voters an Associated Press reporter talked to Tuesday, none said they voted for Greene and none knew him personally or had even run into him around the area.

It is ironic then and a sad statement on democracy in South Carolina, that campaigning accounts for so little in a statewide run for office.

Green Party nominee Tom Clements was by and large ignored by the national media, while Greene enjoyed frequent, if repetitive, articles on his non-campaign.   In any appraisal of the candidates for Senate that considers the funds raised, endorsements sought and received, meetings attended, interviews and issues addressed, Tom Clements was the campaigning alternative to Jim DeMint.

The shallowing effect of the straight ticket is obvious. By ensuring that Greene would receive the majority of votes from self-identfied Democratic voters, the straight-ticket device created the appearance of a two-person race.   Only the straight-ticket device could make the 2010 Democratic nominee the foremost challenger to Jim DeMint.   The straight ticket device is an impediment to democracy in South Carolina.

The Rock Hill Herald, daily paper of South Carolina’s fourth largest city, endorses Tom Clements of the SC Green Party for U.S. Senate.

The Rock Hill Herald: Clements for Senate
Green Party candidate Tom Clements offers a viable alternative in this race.

Published: Saturday, Oct. 30, 2010 / Updated: Friday, Oct. 29, 2010 11:44 PM
In the race for U.S. Senate, we endorse Green Party candidate Tom Clements.

Rock Hill Herald Endorses Tom Clements for US Senate
Third-party candidates are playing a central role in a number of high-profile races this year, and in South Carolina’s Senate race, we think Clements deserves the attention of voters.
His appeal is bolstered by issues with the two other candidates running this year. Alvin Greene, as much of the nation is aware, was the surprise winner of the Democratic senatorial primary. His campaign can be dismissed as sadly inadequate.
Incumbent Sen. Jim DeMint is the prohibitive favorite in this race. But while he is popular with many voters, his extreme views go too far for a large segment of South Carolinians.
Clements has never run for office before or been involved in any party’s politics before. But he is no stranger to public service. He was approached by state Green Party members in large part because of his role as a nationally known environmental advocate and expert on nuclear power issues.
A Georgia native, Clements became the Southeastern coordinator for Friends of the Earth in Columbia in 2008. In that capacity, he focuses on issues related to nuclear power and nuclear waste, and is the public interest watchdog over the Department of Energy’s Savannah River site.
He worked for 13 years with Greenpeace International and for three years as the executive director of the Nuclear Control Institute in Washington, D.C.. He has extensive foreign policy experience as a leading nuclear antiproliferation advocate.
While the environment, and global warming in particular, is his area of expertise, he also is fluent on a number of other critical issues, including the need to support small businesses, preserving Social Security, supporting education, making health care available to all Americans and ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Clements is a thoughtful and articulate advocate for a variety of causes supported by many South Carolina voters, particularly those issues involving preservation of our precious natural resources. Clements, we think, would represent the interests of the state well in the Senate.
Sen. DeMint also boasts the support of a large segment of the state’s voters, perhaps even a majority. This time around, however, he seems to be taking that support for granted. DeMint has spent next to no time or money campaigning in the state on his own behalf, choosing instead to barnstorm the country on behalf of tea party candidates in other states.
While his goal is to elect more senators who think like he does, that effort comes at the expense of spending time in his home state, making the case to South Carolinians as to why he should represent the state for the next six years.
DeMint is entitled to feel secure that a large percentage of the state’s voters — and many other Americans — share his conservative views. But clearly, some of his views are so radical that he has estranged himself from many, even including some Republican colleagues in the Senate.
For example, many of his supporters are pro-life, as he is. But how many Republicans share his view that abortion is wrong even in the case rape or incest?
Many, like DeMint, might oppose same-sex marriage. But do they share his view that gays and unwed single mothers are unfit to teach in the classroom?
Many, like DeMint, might oppose most congressional earmarks as pork-barrel spending. But do they oppose, as he does, an earmark that would provide $400,000 to study the dredging of the Port of Charleston, which could be crucial if the port is to capitalize on traffic from a widened Panama Canal beginning in 2014?
South Carolina’s other U.S. senator, Lindsey Graham, by the way, sponsored the earmark for the study.
Some of DeMint’s stances have been an outright embarrassment to the state.
Most recently, DeMint opportunistically jumped on the firing of NPR/Fox News analyst Juan Williams to introduce a bill to cut off all federal funding for National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting Service. In fact, NPR was well within its rights as an employer to fire Williams over his ill-chosen remarks regarding his fears about sharing a plane with people in Muslim garb. NPR also had warned him on a number of occasions about a possible conflict of interest in his working for the two organizations.
Those radical views will make him a major cause of gridlock regardless of which party controls Congress. DeMint’s goal is to promote an uncompromising brand of conservatism that shuns the common ground in favor of ideological purity.
Congress doesn’t need more rancor and partisan divisiveness. It needs members from both parties who are capable of working together for the common good.
In this race, Clements and DeMint are the only viable candidates. We think, however, that Clements would, ultimately, be a more effective advocate for the interests of this state.


For additional information visit Tom’s website at or

See the Clements For Senate You Tube Channel at Youtube – TomClementsSenate.

US Senate Candidate Tom Clements To Speak To Irmo Democrats.

Tom Clements, nominee of the South Carolina Green Party for U.S. Senate, will speak to the Greater Irmo Democratic Club at their September 16th meeting. According to the Clements campaign website,  the meeting will begin at 6:30 in Zorba’s Restaurant, 6169 St. Andrews Rd, Irmo.  Tom will speak at 7:30, followed by a question period.

Tom Clements at Columbia Meet and Greet, August 2010

Tom Clements at Columbia Meet and Greet, August 2010

While inadvertent Democratic nominee has received disproportionate media coverage, Clements and the SC Greens have been putting forward serious proposals to benefit the people of South Carolina.  As the election nears, South Carolina’s voters are beginning to notice.

Clements has put forward a solid progressive platform that protects the environment, creates a peaceful foreign policy, works to end poverty and undo the bailout givaways to Wall Street.

Our proactive campaign is countered only by the headline chasing posturing of incumbent Jim DeMint. The incumbent has no policies to speak of, only reactionary opposition to any sort of reform.

Tom Clement’s invitation to speak to the Irmo Democrats was recently reported in Columbia’s The State paper.

Previously The State profiled Tom’s campaign in an August 8 article:

Clements said the Green Party asked him in January to consider a run for the U.S. Senate, which he pondered for two months before signing the paperwork at the State Election Commission at the end of March.

“What really pushed me over, besides the feeling that DeMint really needed somebody to challenge him on the issues, was the military budget presented to Congress in early February,” Clements said. “It was the largest military budget ever, and I knew DeMint would support it.”

Clements knows the odds are long. But he thinks a conversation about federal spending, offshore drilling, alternative energy and whether the United States should end the costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will let voters know they have an alternative to DeMint.

No Green Party candidate has ever been elected to the U.S. Senate. So far, the best the party founded in 2001 has been able to muster is a few state house victories in Maine, Arkansas, and California.

But because of Democrat Greene’s standing with his party, some think the Green Party, with Clements on the ticket, may post one of its best showings yet.

Read more:

Last month, Charleston’s Post and Courier profiled Clements and reported that the Columbia Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO endorsed Clements for Senate and donated to his campaign.

South Carolina’s ETV Radio’s conducted an in depth interview with Clements on August 20th.  Listen to the interview here:

The invitation of the Greater Irmo Democratic Club is the latest evidence that SC Democrats searching for a credible alternative to DeMint are choosing Tom Clements.

For United States Senate: Tom Clements

2010 South Carolina Green Party Candidate For United States Senate: Tom Clements

Tom Clements for United States Senate

Tom Clements is currently the Southeastern Nuclear Campaign Coordinator for the US branch of Friends of the Earth, a full-time position he has held since January 2008. Tom worked for 13 years as a nuclear campaigner with the Greenpeace International nuclear campaign and for three years was the director of the Nuclear Control Institute in Washington, DC, where he worked on a host of issues related to proliferation of nuclear materials and technology. In the past, Tom has served as a volunteer with the Red Cross, Peace Brigades International, and with the Talking Books Program in Georgia. Tom has a Masters in Forest resources from the University of Georgia and a BA from Emory University. He is a sixth generation Georgian who was born in Savannah. In 2009, Tom won the Grassroots Activist of the Year award from the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (umbrella group of NGO’s working around Department Of Energy nuclear sites) and also won the Thunder and Lightning activist award from the S.C. Progressive Network in 2009.
Visit the Tom Clements for Senate Facebook page here.
Read about the rest of the SC Green Party candidates for state and federal office here: